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Walker Campaign Press Release - Governor Scott Walker Announces State House Speaker Kurt Daudt as Minnesota Campaign Chair

August 07, 2015

Cleveland, Ohio – Gov. Scott Walker today announced State House Speaker Kurt Daudt will serve as the Minnesota state chairman for his presidential campaign.

"I'm proud to welcome Speaker Daudt to our team. He is a fellow conservative who is fighting the good fight for Wisconsin's neighbor to the west," said Walker. "Minnesota will play an important role in choosing the eventual Republican nominee, and together, Speaker Daudt and I will work to spread our message of big, bold reform throughout the state."

"In Minnesota, we've seen how our neighbor, Wisconsin, has been able to turn around under the strong leadership of Gov. Walker," said Daudt. "Our country needs a reform-minded leader who isn't afraid to identify problems and fight for solutions. Gov. Walker stood up for the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin, stood against the entrenched special interests, and survived a historic recall election. I believe he has proven his readiness to lead our great country."

Daudt is currently the Speaker of the House in the Minnesota House of Representatives. As speaker, he is the presiding officer of the House chamber and the highest ranking elected Republican in the state of Minnesota. Prior to his election as State Representative, Daudt served six years as an Isanti County Commissioner and was a Stanford Town Board Supervisor from 1999-2005.

Scott Walker, Walker Campaign Press Release - Governor Scott Walker Announces State House Speaker Kurt Daudt as Minnesota Campaign Chair Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/310437

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