Photo of Jay Inslee

Jay Inslee for America Statement on the Second Democratic Presidential Debate

July 31, 2019

Detroit, MI – Tonight, following the second Democratic presidential debate, Inslee for America Communications Director Jamal Raad released the following statement:

"This was a huge night for the Inslee campaign. Climate change was on the debate stage tonight because of Jay Inslee. Gov. Inslee showed tonight he is ready to be the fighter America needs — taking on Joe Biden over his middle of the road climate plan, the fossil fuel industry over their deathly pollution, and Donald Trump over his blatant racism. Jay Inslee will replace the white nationalist in the White House with a leader who will confront the fossil fuel industry, defeat the climate crisis, and create millions of union jobs in an economy run on clean energy."

Jay Inslee, Jay Inslee for America Statement on the Second Democratic Presidential Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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