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Statement by the First Lady on the Senate Passing Child Nutrition Legislation

August 05, 2010

I am thrilled that Congress has taken a major step forward today in passing the Child Nutrition bill – a groundbreaking piece of legislation that will help us provide healthier school meals to children across America and will play an integral role in our efforts to combat childhood obesity. Over the past few months, this bill has garnered widespread support from both Democrats and Republicans, all of whom care deeply about the health and wellbeing of our children and are committed to ensuring they have the nutrition they need to learn, grow and succeed. I know how much work it has taken to get to this point, and I want to commend Senators Reid, Lincoln, McConnell, and Chambliss for their leadership and thank them for their work to garner bipartisan support for this legislation. While childhood obesity cannot be solved overnight, with everyone working together, there's no question that it can be solved -- and today's vote moves us one step closer to reaching that goal.

Michelle Obama, Statement by the First Lady on the Senate Passing Child Nutrition Legislation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/320936

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