Portrait of Tim Scott

Statement by Tim Scott on Hamas' Deadly Attack On Israel

October 07, 2023

CHARLESTON, SC — Today, Tim Scott released the following statement on Hamas' deadly attack on Israel:

"Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel today is an assault on Western Civilization.

"The truth is though, Joe Biden funded these attacks on Israel.

"America's weakness is blood in the water for bad actors, but this is worse than that. We didn't just invite this aggression, we paid for it. Iran is the biggest funder of Hamas. This is the Biden $6 billion ransom payment at work.

"Israel must defend its people and the nation, and the United States must do everything we can to assist our ally Israel.

"As Psalm 122:6 encourages us, we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

Tim Scott, Statement by Tim Scott on Hamas' Deadly Attack On Israel Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/367676

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