Photo of Tom Steyer

Statement by Tom Steyer in Support of the Global Climate Strike

September 20, 2019

(WASHINGTON, D.C., September 20, 2019) — Presidential candidate for the Democratic nomination Tom Steyer joined the Global Climate Strike taking place today in Washington, D.C, and released the statement below in support of the activists marching:

"I'm proud to join the millions of young activists taking part in today's Global Climate Strike to send a clear message: climate is an emergency and the time to act is now. Those marching know that rising global temperatures and extreme weather events are affecting every person on this planet, especially low-income communities and communities of color, who face the greatest impacts of climate change.

As president, I will make acting on climate change my number one priority and will declare a national emergency on day one. I'm encouraged by the energy and passion of millions of activists today and in the days ahead, and am confident that, with the right leadership, we can turn that energy into a mandate to take swift and strong action.

In a democracy like ours, leaders must be responsive to the people's demands. Today's strikes in DC and around the country prove to us that when government is run for and by the people nothing is impossible."

Steyer joined the strikers this morning at the John Marshall Park. He is scheduled to appear later this afternoon at the MSNBC Georgetown University Climate Forum.

Read Steyer's Justice-Centered Climate Plan, where he lays out his strategy of declaring the climate crisis a national emergency on day one, and will use the emergency powers of the presidency to lessen the effect of climate.

Tom Steyer, Statement by Tom Steyer in Support of the Global Climate Strike Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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