Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald J. Trump for President Inc. Announces Dan Scavino as Director of Social Media

February 11, 2016

(New York, NY) February 11th, 2016 — Today Donald J. Trump for President Inc. announced campaign staffer and longtime Trump confidant has been named Director of Social Media for the Trump Campaign. Scavino joined the campaign last spring and has since managed the campaign's social media efforts working directly with Mr. Trump to strategize and execute all social content.

Trump Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski said, "We are pleased to announce Dan's promotion. He is a real asset that provides tremendous value as Mr. Trump continues to change the political landscape with his unprecedented influence on social media channels, among other tactics."

Mr. Trump continues to dominate social media channels with over 13,000,000 followers, a larger audience than all the other candidates combined. His current social media followings include Twitter 6,125,000, Facebook 5,675,000, and Instagram 970,000. You can follow Mr. Trump and the campaign's activities via @RealDonaldTrump.

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Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - Donald J. Trump for President Inc. Announces Dan Scavino as Director of Social Media Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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