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Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney for President Files Necessary Paperwork to Qualify for New Jersey's 50 Delegates

April 02, 2012

Romney for President today filed the paperwork to qualify for all 50 delegates available in New Jersey's June 5th primary. Governor Chris Christie will be the head of Mitt Romney's at-large delegate slate.

Republican National Committeeman Bill Palatucci made the following statement on Mitt Romney's New Jersey filing:

"The full slate of statewide and congressional district delegates filed today on behalf of Mitt Romney represents an accomplished and diverse group of New Jerseyans. They are not only great representatives of the Republican Party, but also of all New Jerseyans who are strong supporters of Governor Christie's leadership that is turning our state around. I know that my fellow delegates State Party Chairman Sam Raia and National Committeewoman Ginny Haines are looking forward to supporting Mitt Romney at the national convention and helping to build a winning grassroots organization for him in the fall."

Republican National Committee Members

Bill Palatucci

Samuel Raia

Ginny Haines

At Large Statewide Delegates:

Governor Chris Christie

Governor Thomas H. Kean

Susan Kyrillos

Kathleen A. Donovan

Aubrey Fenton

Sherine El-Abd

Todd Christie

Freeholder Kristine Gabor

Jon F. Hanson

Marcia Silva

Chairman George Gilmore

At Large Alternates:

Governor Donald DiFrancesco

Assemblywoman Donna Simon

Richard H. Bagger

Irene Kim Asbury

Former Congressman Mike Ferguson

Sonia Gillespie-Harris

Assemblyman James "Jay" Webber

Freeholder Julie Acton

Chairman Jose Arango

Kathy Monteiro

Assemblyman John F. Amodeo

Congressional District Delegates:

Dennis Palmer

Keith Walker

Jeff Morris

Chairman Keith Davis

Chairman Mike Donohue

Vice-Chair Lynda Pagliughi

Senator Diane Allen

Glenn R. Paulsen

Joyce Holzapfel

Congressman Chris Smith

Senator Jennifer Beck

Former Senator John O. Bennett

Chairman Robert "Bob" Yudin

Senator Gerald Cardinale

James McCracken

Joseph Oxley

April Bengivenga

Brian Kolendriski

Senator Christopher "Kip" Bateman

Chairman Henry Kuhl

Mark Murphy

Jennifer Giattino

Antonio Rico

Councilman Ruben Vargas

Richard Miller

Richard Mola

Lawrence F. Kramer

Ronald Perry

Harold Edwards, Sr.

Susan Straten

Senator Kevin O'Toole

Senator Joseph Pennacchio

A. Michael Rubin

Senator Samuel Thompson

Lucille Panos

Chairwoman Maria Bua

Congressional District Alternates:

Barbara Capelli

Bea Cerkez

Maureen Booth

Carleen DiPaolo-Greco

Evern Ford

Freeholder John P. Kelly

Mayor Carmen Amato

Caroline Kelaher

John Catalano

Assemblyman Ronald Dancer

Councilman Steven Langert

Brian M. Nelson

Angela Toscano

Karen R. O'Shea

Nancy M. Brown

Assemblyman Robert D. Clifton

Councilwoman Toni Angelini

Anita Greenberg

Jeff Michaels

Edward McCarthy

Glenn Mortimer

Jean Bonatucci

Teresa Saltarella

George Garcia

Foster Lowe

Judith Fisher

Teri Duda

Shane Berger

Luis Linares

Arthur Zapolski

Chairman Al Barlas

Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco

Linda Zisa

Vanessa LaFranco

Kevin Mooney

Martin L. Marks

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney for President Files Necessary Paperwork to Qualify for New Jersey's 50 Delegates Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/301576

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