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Dwight D. Eisenhower photo

Citation Presented to Dr. Jonas E. Salk and Accompanying Remarks.

April 22, 1955

[Citation read by the President]

BECAUSE of a signal and historic contribution to human welfare by Dr. Jonas E. Salk in his development of a vaccine to prevent paralytic poliomyelitis, I, Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States, on behalf of the people of the United States, present to him this citation for his extraordinary achievement.

The work of Dr. Salk is in the highest tradition of selfless and dedicated medical research. He has provided a means for the control of a dread disease. By helping scientists in other countries with technical information; by offering to them the strains of seed virus and professional aid so that the production of vaccine can be started by them everywhere; by welcoming them to his laboratory that they may gain a fuller knowledge, Dr. Salk is a benefactor of mankind.

His achievement, a credit to our entire scientific community, does honor to all the people of the United States.

[Remarks of the President]

Dr. Salk, before I hand you this Citation, I should like to say to you that when I think of the countless thousands of American parents and grandparents who are hereafter to be spared the agonizing fears of the annual epidemic of poliomyelitis, when I think of all the agony that these people will be spared seeing their loved ones suffering in bed, I must say to you I have no words in which adequately to express the thanks of myself and all the people I know--all 164 million Americans, to say nothing of all the people in the world that will profit from your discovery.

I am very, very happy to hand this to you.

Note: The President spoke in the Rose Garden, following the introduction of Dr. Salk by Secretary Hobby.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Citation Presented to Dr. Jonas E. Salk and Accompanying Remarks. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/234132

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