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Proclamation 3816—Extension of Remaining Increased Duties on Imports of Sheet Glass

October 11, 1967

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

1. Whereas, pursuant to Section 7 of the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951 and in accordance with Article XIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (61 Stat. (pt. 5) A58; 8 U.S.T. (pt. 2) 1786), the President by Proclamation No. 3455 of March 19, 1962 (76 Stat. 1454), as modified by Proclamation No. 3458 of March 27, 1962 (76 Stat. 1457), proclaimed, effective after the close of business June 17, 1962, and until the President otherwise proclaimed, increased duties on imports of certain types of sheet glass;

2. Whereas, after compliance with the requirements of Section 102 of the Tariff Classification Act of 1962 (76 Stat. 73), the President by Proclamation No. 3548 of August 21, 1963 (77 Stat. 1017), proclaimed, effective on and after August 31, 1963, the Tariff Schedules of the United States, which reflected, with modifications, and, in effect, superseded, Proclamation No. 3455 by providing for the increased duties on imports of such types of sheet glass in items 923.11 through 923.99 and item 924.00 in Subpart A of Part 2 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States;

3. Whereas, pursuant to Section 351(c) (1) (A) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (19 U.S.C. 1981(c) (1) (A)) and in accordance with Article XIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the President by Proclamation No. 3762 of January 11, 1967 (32 F.R. 361), terminated the increased duties on imports of sheet glass provided for in items 923.11 through 923.25, items 923.42 through 923.67, items 923.92 through 923.99, and item 924.00, and reduced the increased duties provided for in items 923.31 through 923.37, and items 923.71 through 923.77.

4. Whereas the remaining increased duties on imports of sheet glass provided for in items 923.31 through 923.77 will terminate at the close of October 11, 1967, in accordance with Section 351 (c) (1) (B) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, unless extended under Section 351(c) (2) of that Act;

5. Whereas, in relation to the possible extension of such remaining increased duties, I have received and taken into account the advice from the Tariff Commission and the advice of the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Labor in accordance with Section 351 (c) (2) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, recommendations of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations in accordance with Sections 3(b), 3 (j), and 5 (c) of Executive Order No. 11075 of January 15, 1963 (48 CFR 1.3 (b), 1.3(j), and 1.5(c)), and advice of other interested agencies of the Government; and

6. Whereas, pursuant to Section 351 (c) (2) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and in accordance with Article XIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, I have determined that the extension, as herein proclaimed, of the remaining increased duties on imports of sheet glass provided for in items 923.31 through 923.77 is necessary to prevent serious injury and is in the national interest:

Now, Therefore, I, Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States of America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes, including Section 351(c) (2) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, and in accordance with Article XIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, do proclaim that the remaining increased rates of duty on imports of sheet glass provided for in items 923.31 through 923.77 in Subpart A of Part 2 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States are extended to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption during the period beginning on October 12, 1967, and ending at the close of December 31, 1969, unless the President proclaims otherwise pursuant to Section 351(c) (1) or (2) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of October in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and ninety-second.

Signature of Lyndon B. Johnson


NOTE: Proclamation 3816 was not made public in the form of a White House press release.

Lyndon B. Johnson, Proclamation 3816—Extension of Remaining Increased Duties on Imports of Sheet Glass Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/306239

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