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Press Release - President Obama Announces Intent to Nominate Charles Blahous as Member of the Board of Trustees of the Social Security Trust Funds

October 14, 2009

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Charles Blahous as Member of The Board of Trustees of the Social Security Trust Funds.

President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individual today:

Charles Blahous, Nominee for Member, Board of Trustees of the Social Security Trust Funds

Chuck Blahous is a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, specializing in domestic economic policy. Prior to joining the Hudson Institute, Blahous served as Deputy Director of President Bush's National Economic Council. From 2001-2007, Blahous served as a Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, first covering retirement security issues and later also encompassing energy policy. In 2001, Blahous served as the Executive Director of the bipartisan President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security, co-chaired by Dick Parsons and the late U.S. Senator Daniel P. Moynihan (D-NY), which submitted a unanimous report to President Bush in December, 2001. From 2000-01, Blahous led the Alliance for Worker Retirement Security. From 1996-2000, he served as Policy Director for U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH), staffing the Senator's co-chairmanship of the National Commission on Retirement Policy, as well as the Senator's initiatives in retirement and health care reform. From 1989-96, Blahous served in the office of Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY), first as a Congressional Science Fellow sponsored by the American Physical Society, and in 1994-96 as the Senator's Legislative Director. There, Blahous staffed the Senator on the bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform. Blahous has a Ph.D. in computational quantum chemistry from the University of California/Berkeley, and an A.B. from Princeton University, where he won the McKay Prize in Physical Chemistry.

Barack Obama, Press Release - President Obama Announces Intent to Nominate Charles Blahous as Member of the Board of Trustees of the Social Security Trust Funds Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/322439

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