Letter to the Chairman, Citizens Food Committee, on the Need for Continuing Conservation Efforts.
Dear Mr. Luckman:
Less than two months ago I appointed the Citizens Food Committee, with you as Chairman, to advise on ways and means of carrying out the necessary conservation effort. At that time I asked your Committee "to develop plans for bringing the vital problem of food conservation to the attention of every American for action."
In this very short period of time, the Citizens Food Committee has not only performed the planning task I set for it, but has, under your vigorous leadership, translated its plans into immediate and effective action. As a result, you now inform me that the grain conservation programs set in motion by the Committee, in cooperation with the Cabinet Food Committee, should result in a saving of considerably more than 100 million bushels of grain.
In order to bring about this result in so short a time, you and your staff have worked unceasingly, without regard to the clock or to your private business responsibilities. You have obtained the unstinting support of agriculture, business, labor and consumer organizations, and of the public, in furtherance of what has now become America's food conservation campaign. These are splendid achievements.
This food conservation campaign must continue. It must in fact be intensified, if we are to continue to save the utmost possible amount of grain that can be spared for the needs of hungry people overseas. I have told the Congress that the Government will intensify its efforts to obtain voluntary action, in order to enable us to extend aid to friendly nations and at the same time protect our own living standards. The voluntary efforts inaugurated by your Committee will continue to be necessary to supplement the program which I have asked the Congress to authorize. Consequently, the programs planned and put into effect by the Citizens Food Committee must be pushed forward throughout the coming winter and at least through the first half of next year.
I call on the American people, the state and local committees, and all the organizations and groups, to continue their vigorous efforts in carrying out this program. To insure the continued success of the programs, I ask you and the Citizens Food Committee to continue on an advisory basis to give such counsel and assistance as may be necessary.
Please convey to the members of the Citizens Food Committee, and to its staff, my deep appreciation of the excellent job that has been done. To you, personally, I express my sincere thanks for the unselfish and untiring devotion with which you have so ably performed a most difficult assignment. I ask that you continue as Chairman of the Citizens Food Advisory Committee so that your services will be available to me on call for so long a period as may be necessary.
Very sincerely yours,
[Honorable Charles Luckman, Chairman, Citizens Food Committee, Washington, D.C.]
Note: The President's letter was in reply to one from Mr. Luckman summarizing the work of the Committee and suggesting that the Citizens Food Committee be reconstituted as the Citizens Food Advisory Committee. Mr. Luckman's letter, dated November 20, 1947, was also released.
Harry S Truman, Letter to the Chairman, Citizens Food Committee, on the Need for Continuing Conservation Efforts. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/232546