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The President's News Conference

August 25, 1931


THE PRESIDENT. I have some questions on which I can give you a little information. The first is with regard to shortening the season for duckshooting. I have signed a proclamation [Proc. 1965] shortening the season as recommended by the Department of Agriculture. This action is backed by 43 conservation associations and State game commissions. It is opposed by three such organizations and also by three large ammunition manufacturers. However, the proclamation has gone forth.


I have a question about additional members asked to join Mr. [Walter F.] Gifford's advisory committee. There are five more so far: Mr. James F. Bell of Minneapolis, Conrad Mann of Kansas City, P. G. Spillsbury of Phoenix, Arizona, Owen D. Young of New York, and S. P. Bush of Columbus, Ohio.


There are some other matters on which I can give you some information for your own use, not for quotation, but merely acceding to demands on some questions as to facts in order that you may be correctly informed.

The first is with regard to the statement that this Government has been in communication with the British in respect to the financial crisis. 1 There is not a word of truth in that statement. It is not a matter in which the American Government could properly make any communication to the British Government and I have had no such communication either by telephone or otherwise.

1 Gold withdrawals from Great Britain had created a financial crisis and, on August 25, 1931, led to the creation of a new National Government pledged to economy measures. The President denied the report of the London Daily Herald charging that the Federal Reserve Board and President Hoover had dictated a change in British policy and helped to bring about the fall of the Labour Cabinet.

Next is the story that arises from a British newspaper that the Federal Reserve banks have made stipulations bearing on the change in the British ministry policies. The New York Federal Reserve Bank some time ago granted credit to the Bank of England. That credit has not been exhausted and they have received no further requests for credits from England and have had no communication of such nature.


I am asked to give Mr. Mellon's impressions of Europe. You will have to get those from Mr. Mellon.


I have a large number of questions about the transfer of Farm Board products by sea. This is solely a question for the Farm Board which makes its own arrangements. I think most commercial people will realize that when goods are sold on which the other fellow pays the freight, he also determines the shipping. The Farm Board is not paying the freight in this instance but I understand they have been trying to help out American shipping.

And that comprises the budget this morning.

Note: President Hoover's two hundred and fourth news conference was held in the White House at 12 noon on Tuesday, August 25, 1931.

Herbert Hoover, The President's News Conference Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/211947

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