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Message Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination

June 16, 1932

I have your telegram advising me that the Republican Convention has renominated me as the party's candidate for President of the United States. I am deeply grateful for the highest honor that the party can confer. It marks your approval and your confidence. I shall labor as I have labored to meet the effects of the worldwide storm which has devastated us with trials and suffering unequalled in but few periods of our history. That storm still surrounds us. The measures which we have adopted and the policies which you have outlined will, with patience and courage, restore confidence and with it employment, agriculture and business. These policies and measures will hold our hard-won American system of ordered liberty and government. Our youth will continue to find that the doors of equal opportunity are open.

But beyond platforms and measures there lies that sacred realm of ideals of hopes and aspirations, those things of the spirit, which make the greatness and the soul of the Nation.

These are our objectives and with unceasing effort, with courage and faith in Almighty God, they will be attained.

If the American people shall again commit to me the high trust of this great office I pledge to them the full measure of my devotion to their service.


[Honorable Bertrand H. Snell, Permanent Chairman, Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois]

Note: The Republican National Convention, meeting in Chicago, Ill., renominated the President on the first ballot. Vice President Charles Curtis was also renominated on the first ballot.

Herbert Hoover, Message Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/207059

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