Statement on Signing Bills for the Preservation of Presidential Birthplaces and Homes.
WE HAVE DEVELOPED a tradition of preserving the birthplaces and homes of our Presidents to commemorate their dedication and service to the Nation and to serve as a tangible symbol and inspiration for present and future generations of Americans. Today we have an unprecedented opportunity to do honor simultaneously to three American Presidents--William Howard Taft, Dwight David Eisenhower, and Lyndon Baines Johnson.
The legislation I am approving carries this tradition forward in three steps. H.R. 7066 and S. 2000 will preserve and establish as national historic sites the birthplaces and boyhood homes of President Taft in Cincinnati, Ohio, and President Johnson in Johnson City, Texas. S.J. Res. 26 will authorize the necessary funds to preserve and develop President Eisenhower's home and farm at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, already established as a national historic site.
The approval of these three measures will now make these American homes as much a part of the Nation's history as are the achievements of the men who occupied them. I am sure everyone will understand my very special personal feeling at being able to pay such a tribute to President Eisenhower, with whom I was privileged to work closely for many years and for whom I will always have the deepest affection and admiration.
Note: As enacted, the bills (H.R. 7066, S. 2000, and S.J. Res. 26) are Public Laws 91132, 91-134, and 91-133, respectively (83 Stat. 273-274).
Richard Nixon, Statement on Signing Bills for the Preservation of Presidential Birthplaces and Homes. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/240251