Letter Accepting the Resignation of Charles W. Yost as United States Representative to the United Nations.
Dear Charlie:
Two years ago when you agreed to return to public life as this nation's Permanent Representative to the United Nations I felt that your appointment was among the best that I was making in forming my Administration. Your performance during these 2 years has more than confirmed that judgment.
Your performance at the United Nations has been a source of great strength to the foreign policy of the United States and has been characterized by the highest degree of professionalism. You have understood, and have brought others to understand, the full dimensions of the contribution which the United Nations can make and must make to a world of peace and justice. Your entire career has exemplified the best American traditions of public service. At the United Nations you have been the embodiment of the oldest American tradition, that of a decent respect for the opinions of mankind.
I count upon being able to benefit in the future as I have in the past from the wisdom and prudence which you have so unselfishly contributed to the counsels of your nation for forty years.
I am grateful to you, and accept your resignation with regret and with the warmest personal best wishes.
[Honorable Charles Yost, United States Representative to the United Nations, New York, New York]
Note: Ambassador Yost's letter of resignation, released along with the President's letter, follows:
Dear Mr. President:
I have the honor to submit my resignation as Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, to take effect upon my successor's assumption of the office.
I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to serve my Government in this capacity, and hope that during my tenure I have been able to express the continuing commitment of the American. people to the United Nations and their desire to make it a more effective instrument for maintaining the security of nations and the peace of the world.
Respectfully yours,
CHARLES W. YOST [The President, The White House]
Richard Nixon, Letter Accepting the Resignation of Charles W. Yost as United States Representative to the United Nations. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/240682