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Federal Service Impasses Panel Appointment of Seven Members.

February 24, 1978

The President today announced the appointment of seven persons as members of the Federal Service Impasses Panel. They are:

IRVING BERNSTEIN, professor of political science and research associate at UCLA;

HOWARD G. GAMSER, Washington attorney and arbitrator and adjunct professor of labor law at Georgetown University (also appointed Chairman of the Panel);

JAMES E. JONES, JR., professor of law and industrial relations and director of the Center for Equal Employment and Affirmative Action at the University of Wisconsin's Industrial Relations Research Institute;

JEAN T. MCKELVEY, professor at Cornell's School of Industrial and Labor Relations;

CHARLES J. MORRIS, labor arbitrator, professor at the School of Law, Southern Methodist University, and presently visiting professor at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell;

BEVERLY K. SCHAFFER, professor of economics at Emory University in Atlanta;

ARTHUR STARK, president of the National Academy of Arbitrators and currently a member of this Panel.

The Federal Service Impasses Panel is an agency of the Federal Labor Relations Council and recommends solutions to negotiation impasses when voluntary arrangements, including the services of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service or other third-party mediation, fail to resolve a negotiation impasse.

Jimmy Carter, Federal Service Impasses Panel Appointment of Seven Members. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/244522

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