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Visit of President Tito of Yugoslavia Joint Statement.

March 09, 1978

At the invitation of the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, the President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito, paid a State Visit to the United States of America, March 7-9, 1978.

In the talks, on the Yugoslav side, participated:

Josip Broz Tito, President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Sergei Kraigher, President of the Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia

Milos Minic, Vice President of the Federal Executive Council and Federal Secretary for Foreign Affairs

Josip Vrhovec, Member of the Council of the Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Dimce Belovski, Ambassador of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the United States of America

Branko Pavicevic, President of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro and others

On the American side:

Jimmy Carter, President of the United States of America

Walter F. Mondale, Vice President of the United States of America

Cyrus R. Vance, Secretary of State of the United States of America

Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense of the United States of America

Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and others

During the visit, President Tito met with members of the House of Representatives and Senate. The talks reflected a high degree of interest in the legislative bodies of both countries to promote understanding and contacts between the peoples of Yugoslavia and the United States, including a broadened exchange of political leaders. President Tito also met with other distinguished Americans.

The two Presidents held extensive and useful talks in a spirit of mutual regard, candor, and friendship. They agreed that the significant improvement in bilateral relations over the past year, marked by a series of personal messages between them as well as by high-level visits and consultations, should be continued and deepened, building upon the basis of mutual respect which the United States and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia hold for each other as equal, independent, and sovereign states. They confirmed that the principles contained in previous joint statements (Washington, October 1971 and Belgrade, August 1975) have been tested in practice and that they, together with the present statement, constitute the basis for developing relations between the two countries. The two Presidents considered this meeting a major step in reinforcing the already strong foundations of US-Yugoslav relations. The views of the two sides reflected wide areas of agreement on the issues discussed.

The two Presidents, noting the deep historical and cultural ties between their peoples, agreed that Americans of Yugoslav descent have played a major role in strengthening the bonds of friendship and understanding between their past and present homelands.

The two Presidents noted with satisfaction that economic exchanges between their two countries have developed positively, but agreed that there was potential for substantial additional interchange. While approving the balanced nature of trade between the two countries, they emphasized the need for further efforts to expand its volume, to strengthen industrial cooperation, to promote travel and tourism, to encourage joint ventures and to improve opportunities for business representatives to work in both countries. The two Presidents expressed their appreciation for the contribution of the United States-Yugoslav Economic Council to the development of economic relations and welcomed the establishment of joint economic/commercial working groups which will serve to facilitate increased trade and economic cooperation.

The two sides confirmed their mutual interest in the free flow of information and people between their two societies and endorsed both governmental and non-governmental cultural and information exchange programs which further this goal. In addition the two Presidents agreed that greater understanding by the general public of each society's culture and social development would be beneficial. They affirmed the importance of scientific and technological cooperation as well as exchanges in the field of social and physical sciences, education, culture, and information and pledged to develop them further.

Presidents Carter and Tito examined major international issues. They devoted special attention to questions of peace and security in the world and to the promotion of international cooperation. They affirmed the necessity of extending the policy of the reduction of tensions to all regions of the world and all areas of international relations and of ensuring an opportunity for all countries to con. tribute to the resolution of current world problems and to the strengthening peace and security. They underlined particular that all countries should to resolve disputes by peaceful means should deal with each other on the bash of equality.

They also affirmed that the right of all states to determine their own social systems without outside interference must be respected and that relations among states, regardless of differences or similarities in their social, political, and economic systems, must be based on the spirit and principles of the United Nations Charter.

Presidents Carter and Tito agreed that nonalignment is a very, significant factor in world affairs. They share the view that the nonaligned countries can and should make an active contribution to the resolution of international problems and to the more favorable evolution of international relations. President Carter reaffirmed the respect of the United States for Yugoslavia's commitment to nonalignment and for the role Yugoslavia plays in that movement.

President Tito welcomed the steps taken by the United States Government over the past year on a number of longstanding issues of concern to the nonaligned. In this connection President Carter thanked President Tito for this warm message of support for the treaties which the United States has negotiated with the Republic of Panama concerning the future status of the Panama Canal. President Tito reaffirmed his view that the treaties would serve the interest of peace and stability in the region and throughout the world.

The two Presidents reviewed recent developments and pledged renewed efforts to lower the barriers to understanding and contact between all peoples of Europe, in accordance with their common aspirations. In this regard, they discussed the results of the Belgrade Conference and agreed that it has significantly strengthened the foundations for the continuation of multilateral efforts to increase security and cooperation in Europe. They reaffirmed their commitment to the success of the CSCE process and to full implementation of all sections of the Final Act. They urged all signatory states to join in efforts to achieve full implementation in order to further the process of consultation and contact between the participating countries and to promote mutual understanding. They pledged continued efforts toward these goals in the period leading to the next Conference in Madrid in 1980.

Presidents Tito and Carter expressed their special concern about the situation in the Middle East which remains a source of great tension in international affairs. They agreed on the urgent need to find a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the problems of the Middle East and explained in detail their respective views on the current situation.

The two Presidents also agreed that the Ethiopia-Somalia conflict should be resolved by peaceful means, taking account of the need to respect both territorial integrity and the legitimate aspirations of the peoples of both countries, and in conformity with the principles of the Charter of the Organization of African Unity and the Charter of the United Nations. They expressed their belief that the international community should exert greater efforts for securing conditions to maintain the territorial integrity, independence and nonaligned position of these two countries.

In their discussion of developments in Southern Africa, the two Presidents expressed support for the legitimate aspirations of the African peoples to self-determination and majority rule. They condemned racism in all forms.

The two Presidents discussed a variety of aspects of human rights in the contemporary world and agreed that efforts toward the implementation of human rights in all countries should be in accord with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Helsinki Final Act.

Presidents Carter and Tito reviewed the international economic situation with particular attention. While approaching global economic problems from different perspectives, they recognized their gravity and stressed the need for necessary changes in world economic relations which take into account the interests and equality of all countries. They noted in particular the importance of increased support for accelerated economic development for the developing countries and a broader linkage between the economies of the industrialized and developing countries. They emphasized the significance of the global economic dialogue as a vital element in fostering cooperation between the industrialized and developing countries, which is an indispensable precondition for the settlement of existing economic problems.

The two Presidents voiced their deep concern over the continuation of the arms race, which renders difficult the solution of substantial political, economic, and other problems besetting mankind today. Both governments believe that durable peace in the world as a whole can only be assured if effective measures are undertaken to halt the arms race and to take concrete steps for nuclear disarmament toward the ultimate goal of general and complete disarmament. In this connection, the two Presidents underscored the importance of the negotiations on strategic arms limitations, mutual and balanced force reductions in Central Europe and of other efforts to limit the arms race. They also stressed the importance of the forthcoming special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations devoted to disarmament.

The two Presidents emphasized the decisive importance of the development of energy for the economic growth of all countries, and of the developing countries in particular, and they believe therefore that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes should be made accessible to all countries without discrimination. The two Presidents also pointed to the danger of the proliferation of nuclear weapons and agreed that this danger can be diminished through an effective reduction of existing nuclear armaments and through the development and application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and the implementation of measures in accordance with the provisions and objectives of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and other international agreements within the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The two Presidents observed that terrorism is a common scourge of the international community, and they agreed that effective measures must be taken to eliminate this senseless threat to people throughout the world. President Carter specifically condemned the violence directed against Yugoslavia by terrorists in the United States and pledged his government's commitment to take firm measures to prevent and to prosecute such criminal activity which is against the interests of the United States and of good United States-Yugoslav relations.

President Garter reiterated the continuing support of the United States for the independence, territorial integrity and unity of Yugoslavia. During the talks it was stressed that good relations and cooperation between the United States and Yugoslavia constitute an essential element of American foreign policy and that the United States is interested in a strong and independent Yugoslavia as a factor for balance, peace and stability in Europe and in the world.

President Tito extended an invitation to President Carter to pay an official visit to Yugoslavia. The invitation was accepted with pleasure.

Jimmy Carter, Visit of President Tito of Yugoslavia Joint Statement. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/244734

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