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Remarks on Signing the Emergency Employment Act of 1971

July 12, 1971

I think it is particularly significant that I am able to sign this bill and have the opportunity to comment upon it in California.

As you know, this is the Emergency Employment Act of 1971. It meets the objections to the bill that I vetoed last. year. This bill is transitional, providing for 150,000 jobs over the next 2 years. It also provides for job training to move people from public service jobs into jobs in the private sector. It will be particularly helpful in areas like California, which have higher than the national average of unemployment due to layoffs in aerospace and related defense industries.

In signing the bill, I am also asking Congress to move as expeditiously as possible on the appropriation bill. I have been assured by the leaders that they will have the appropriation bill out within a matter of a few days, and once the appropriation bill is on my desk and is signed, we already have, under the Department of Labor, a number of areas selected where men will be put to work immediately. So this will have an immediate effect in areas of high unemployment like California, particularly southern California, in alleviating that situation.

Note: The President spoke at 10:05 a.m. at the Western White House, San Clemente, Calif.

As enacted, the bill (S. 31) is Public Law 92-54 (85 Stat. 146).

On July 23, 1971, the White House released the transcript of a news briefing on the emergency employment program by James D. Hodgson, Secretary, and Malcolm R. Lovell, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Department of Labor.

Richard Nixon, Remarks on Signing the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/240394

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