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Jimmy Carter photo

Robert F. Kennedy Statement by the President.

June 06, 1978

The death of Robert Kennedy, 10 years ago today, was a terrible blow to the people of this Nation and the world. As a champion of the poor, of the victims of injustice, and of reconciliation and peace, he was an apostle and a symbol of hope. He felt deeply, and aroused deep feelings. He is still mourned, and be is remembered as he was: passionate, moral, committed, spontaneous, joyful.

Note: Senator Kennedy was assassinated following his appearance at a political rally in Los Angeles, Calif. He was campaigning for the 1968 Democratic Presidential nomination.

Jimmy Carter, Robert F. Kennedy Statement by the President. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248469

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