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Energy Mobilization Board Legislation Statement on Senate Approval of the Legislation.

October 04, 1979

I want to commend the Senate for its overwhelming vote today approving an energy mobilization board. That vote represents a major step forward in the joint effort of the Congress and my administration to achieve energy security for our Nation.

The bill that passed today substantially reflects the proposal I made to the Congress in July. This board will have the power to cut through unnecessary procedural delays in order to ensure that priority energy projects will be expeditiously considered and constructed, while environmental values and State and local decisionmaking are preserved.

I want to express my appreciation for the diligent bipartisan efforts of Senators Jackson, Johnston, Hatfield, and Domenici. I call upon the House to follow the Senate's actions promptly, so the board can soon begin its important tasks.

Jimmy Carter, Energy Mobilization Board Legislation Statement on Senate Approval of the Legislation. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248702

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