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Jimmy Carter photo

Statement on the Death of Mamie Eisenhower

November 01, 1979

Rosalynn and I share the sadness of a loving nation at the death of Mamie Eisenhower and send our deepest sympathy to her family.

A warm and gracious First Lady, she carried out her public and private duties, despite a lifetime of fragile health, in a way that won her a special place in the heart of Americans and of people all over the world. To generations of Americans, in war and peace, she embodied sincerity and traditional values.

As we have missed the General-President whose triumphant life she shared, we will miss this gentle lady.

Jimmy Carter, Statement on the Death of Mamie Eisenhower Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248534

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