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White House Statement on American Hostages in Iran

November 09, 1979

The seizure of more than 60 Americans in our Embassy in Tehran has provoked strong feelings here at home. There is outrage. There is frustration. And there is deep anger.

There is also pride in the courage of those who are in danger and sympathy for them and for their families. But the most important concern for all Americans at this moment is safety of our fellow citizens held in Tehran.

The President shares these feelings. He is pursuing every possible avenue in a situation that is extremely volatile and difficult. His efforts involve many countries and individuals. Many of these efforts must of necessity be conducted without publicity, and all require the calmest possible atmosphere.

The President knows that no matter how deeply we may feel, none of us would want to do anything that would worsen the danger in which our fellow Americans have been placed.

He calls on all Americans, public officials and private citizens alike, to exercise restraint, and to keep the safety of their countrymen uppermost in their minds and hearts. Members of the families of the American hostages with whom the President met this morning have asked to join with him in this appeal. The President expects every American to refrain from any action that might increase the danger to the American hostages in Tehran.

Note: Press Secretary Jody Powell read the statement to reporters assembled in the Briefing Room at the White House.

The President had met with the members of the families at the State Department.

Jimmy Carter, White House Statement on American Hostages in Iran Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248800

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