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Settlement of Conflict in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia White House Statement.

December 17, 1979

Today, final agreement was reached at Lancaster House on a Rhodesjan settlement. The world can celebrate a triumph of reason and an extraordinary diplomatic success. A long, destructive, and tragic conflict is ending.

This settlement is a tribute to the parties concerned, who rose above bitterness and suspicion to agree upon a formula for peace. It is a tribute to the United Kingdom, whose leaders took the issue directly in hand and applied a remarkable combination of wisdom, courage, persistence, and skill. The concerned African states played a vital role.

Active American involvement in the search for a Rhodesian settlement began in the last administration. In cooperation with the British we intensified that effort, and, since last summer, have given our full support to the British negotiations.

The settlement which has been attained can lead to an enduring peace in Zimbabwe and promote tranquillity in the region. It is founded upon majority rule with protection of minority rights and reflects the interest of all of the parties.

As the process leading to an independent Zimbabwe unfolds, it will be incumbent upon the international community, and especially the surrounding states, to support and respect the electoral process and its outcome.

For its part, the United States looks forward to the day when an independent Zimbabwe can be welcomed to the family of nations.

Jimmy Carter, Settlement of Conflict in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia White House Statement. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248312

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