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Egyptian-Israeli Peace Negotiations Statement on Action by the Israeli Cabinet Approving Proposals.

March 14, 1979

I am extremely pleased that the Israeli Cabinet has approved the two remaining proposals that I discussed with Prime Minister Begin on Monday in Jerusalem. Prime Minister Begin has just called me with this good news. This means that all of the outstanding issues in the negotiations between Egypt and Israel have now been successfully resolved.

At this historic moment, I want to congratulate the great leaders of both countries, President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin, for their leadership and the courage that they have consistently demonstrated. The peace which their peoples so clearly need and want is close to reality. I am proud that our country has been able to assist these two long-time adversaries along the path of reconciliation and toward future cooperation. We stand ready to help in the implementation of the peace treaty, in the negotiations that lie ahead on other issues of concern, and in working with these two friends to build a stable and peaceful Middle East.

Jimmy Carter, Egyptian-Israeli Peace Negotiations Statement on Action by the Israeli Cabinet Approving Proposals. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/249028

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