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International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Appointment of Four Commissioners of the U.S. Section.

June 05, 1979

The President today announced the appointment of four persons as Commissioners of the United States Section of the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. They are:

ELMER E. RASMUSON, of Anchorage, Alaska,

who was chairman of the board of the National Bank of Alaska until his retirement in 1974. He is a former mayor of Anchorage.


Alaska, president of Icicle Seafoods (formerly Petersburg Fisheries);

WILLIAM G. SALETIC of Seattle, senior vice president of Peter Pan Seafoods, formerly executive manager of the Seiners Association and Purse Seine Vessel Owners Association of Seattle;

HARRY L. RIETZE, of Juneau, Alaska, Regional Director for the Alaska Region of the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Jimmy Carter, International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Appointment of Four Commissioners of the U.S. Section. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/249875

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