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Commission on Presidential Scholars Appointment of Three Members.

June 12, 1979

The President today announced the appointment of three persons as members of the Commission on Presidential Scholars. They are:

REBECCA BARNHILL. HUNDLEY, of Thomasville, N.C., a former claims manager and assistant secretary of the Occidental Life Insurance Co. of North Carolina in Raleigh. She is active in civic affairs and serves on the North Carolina State Judicial Standards Commission and the State Banking Laws Study Commission.

JOANNE RAJOPPI, of Springfield, N.J., a freelance writer, editor of the New Jersey Carpenters Funds' publication, and former newspaper writer. She is active in local politics and serves as Union County freeholder vice chairperson.

CECILE C. WARONKER, of Atlanta, Ga., a teacher of remedial mathematics and reading in the Atlanta public school system.

Jimmy Carter, Commission on Presidential Scholars Appointment of Three Members. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/250112

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