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Meeting With Agha Shahi of Pakistan White House Statement.

January 12, 1980

Pakistan's foreign affairs adviser Agha Shahi met with the President in the Oval Office at 2:45 this afternoon. The meeting lasted for 40 minutes.

The meeting concluded a visit to Washington in which Mr. Shahi met with Secretary Vance and the President's Adviser for National Security Affairs, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Mr. Shahi's meeting with the President and other American officials involved an exchange of views on the implications for international peace and security of recent developments in Afghanistan and on how the United States might be helpful in assisting Pakistan under the present circumstances.

Included in the Oval Office meeting on the American side were: Secretary of State Vance, Dr. Brzezinski, Deputy Secretary of Defense Graham Claytor, Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Arthur Hummel, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asian Affairs Harold Saunders, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs David Aaron, and Thomas Thornton of the NSC staff.

Mr. Shahi was accompanied by Lieutenant General Jilani, Secretary General to the Ministry of Defense; Major General Aref, Chief of Staff to President Zia; Pakistan's Ambassador to the United States Sultan Khan; and staff.

Jimmy Carter, Meeting With Agha Shahi of Pakistan White House Statement. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/249379

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