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Nomination of William. L. Ball III To Be an Assistant Secretary of State

March 04, 1985

The President today announced his intention to nominate William L. Ball III to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs). He will succeed W. Tapley Bennett, Jr.

Mr. Ball most recently served as administrative assistant to Senator John Tower (RTX). Previously, he served as administrative assistant to Senator Herman Talmadge (DGA) (1978-1980); staff assistant with the Senate Armed Services Committee (1977-1978); and legislative assistant to Senator John Tower (1975-1977). From 1969 to 1975, he served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy (active duty). He is currently a lieutenant commander with the Naval Reserve.

Mr. Ball graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology (B.S., 1969). He is married and resides in Washington, DC. He was born June 10, 1948, in Belton, SC.

Ronald Reagan, Nomination of William. L. Ball III To Be an Assistant Secretary of State Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/259976

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