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Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel.

June 17, 1974

THE PRESIDENT of the United States, Richard Nixon, visited Israel June 16--17, 1974. This is the first visit ever to have been paid by an American President to the State of Israel. It symbolizes the unique relationship, the common heritage and the close and historic ties that have long existed between the United States and Israel.

President Nixon and Prime Minister Rabin held extensive and cordial talks on matters of mutual interest to the United States and Israel and reviewed the excellent relations between their two countries. They discussed in a spirit of mutual understanding the efforts of both countries to achieve a just and lasting peace which will provide security for all States in the area and the need to build a structure of peace in the world. United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and members of the Israeli Cabinet participated in these talks.

Prime Minister Rabin expressed Israel's appreciation for the outstanding and effective role of the United States in the quest for peace under the leadership of President Nixon assisted by the tireless efforts of Secretary Kissinger and indicated Israel's intention to participate in further negotiations with a view to achieving peace treaties with its neighbors which will permit each State to pursue its legitimate rights in dignity and security.

President Nixon and Prime Minister Rabin agreed that peace and progress in the Middle East are essential if global peace is to be assured. Peace will be achieved through a process of continuing negotiations between the parties concerned as called for by U.N. Security Council Resolution 338 of October 22, 1973.

The President and the Prime Minister agreed on the necessity to work energetically to promote peace between Israel and the Arab States. They agreed that States living in peace should conduct their relationship in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and the U.N. Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States which provides that every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries for incursion into the territory of another State. They condemned acts of violence and terror causing the loss of innocent human lives.

The President and the Prime Minister expressed their great pleasure in the intimate cooperation which characterizes the warm relationship between their two countries and peoples. They agreed to do everything possible to broaden and deepen still further that relationship in order to serve the interests of both countries and to further the cause of peace.

President Nixon reiterated the commitment of the United States to the long-term security of Israel and to the principle that each State has the right to exist within secure borders and to pursue its own legitimate interests in peace.

Prime Minister Rabin expressed his appreciation for the U.S. military supplies to Israel during the October War and thereafter. The President affirmed the continuing and long-term nature of the military supply relationship between the two countries, and reiterated his view that the strengthening of Israel's ability to defend itself is essential in order to prevent further hostilities and to maintain conditions conducive to progress towards peace. An Israeli Defense Ministry delegation will soon come to Washington in order to work out the concrete details relating to long-term military supplies.

President Nixon affirmed the strong continuing support of the United States for Israel's economic development. Prime Minister Rabin expressed the gratitude of Israel for the substantial help which the United States has provided, particularly in recent years. The President and Prime Minister agreed that future economic assistance from the United States would continue and would be the subject of long-range planning between their governments. The President affirmed that the United States, in accordance with Congressional authorization, will continue to provide substantial economic assistance for Israel at levels needed to assist Israel to offset the heavy additional costs inherent in assuring Israel's military capability for the maintenance of peace.

In the economic field, the President and the Prime Minister noted with satisfaction the effective working relationship between their governments at all levels and the depth of the relationship between the economies of the two nations. They agreed to strengthen and develop the framework of their bilateral relations. The primary goal will be to establish a firmer and more clearly defined structure of consultation and cooperation. Where appropriate, they will set up special bi-national committees. Both sides recognize the importance of investments in Israel by American companies, the transmission of general know-how and marketing assistance, and cooperation of American companies with Israeli counterparts on research and development. The United States Government will encourage ventures by American enterprises and private investment in Israel designed to increase Israel's economic growth, including in the fields of industry, power, and tourism. They agreed to begin immediately negotiations for concrete arrangements to implement such policy including in the area of avoidance of double taxation.

The President and Prime Minister announce that their two governments will negotiate an agreement on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy, technology and the supply of fuel from the United States under agreed safeguards. This agreement will in particular take account of the intention of the Government of Israel to purchase power-reactors from the United States. These will secure additional and alternative sources of electricity for the rapidly developing Israel economy. As an immediate step, Israel and the United States will in the current month reach provisional agreement on the further sale of nuclear fuel to Israel.

Prime Minister Rabin particularly expressed the view that the supply of oil and other essential raw materials to Israel must be assured on a continuous basis. President Nixon proposed that United States and Israeli representatives meet soon in order to devise ways of meeting this problem.

The President and the Prime Minister stressed as an important mutual aim the further encouragement of the fruitful links already existing between the two countries in the scientific and technical field, including space research. Special emphasis will be put on exchanges of scientists and the sponsorship of joint projects. With this end in view they will explore means to widen the scope and substance of existing agreements and activities including those pertaining to the Bi-National Science Foundation.

In the area of water desalination the two countries will expand their joint projects.

The President and the Prime Minister agreed to develop further the cultural ties between the two countries through exchanges of scholars, students, artists, exhibitions, mutual visits and musical and other cultural events. In the near future, Israel will send to the United States an archeological exhibition depicting the Land of the Bible. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra will visit the United States on the occasion of the American bicentennial celebrations.

The President and the Prime Minister noted with gratification the large number of tourists from their respective countries visiting both the United States and Israel and affirmed that they would continue their efforts to foster this movement. To this end, the two governments will resume negotiations on an agreement granting landing rights to the Israel national carrier in additional major cities in the continental United States.

The President and the Prime Minister discussed the plight of Jewish minorities in various countries in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Prime Minister thanked the President for his efforts in support of the right of free emigration for all peoples without harassment, including members of Jewish minorities. The President affirmed that the United States would continue to give active support to these principles in all feasible ways.

The President was particularly pleased at the opportunity to meet with former Prime Minister Golda Meir, whose courage, statesmanship, patience and wisdom he greatly admires. The President expressed his satisfaction at the constructive cooperation between Israel and the United States under Prime Minister Meir's leadership which had led to the conclusion of the agreements between Egypt and Israel and between Israel and Syria respectively on the disengagement of their military forces.

In departing, President and Mrs. Nixon expressed their deep appreciation of the warm reception accorded to them in Israel and their admiration for the achievements of the Israeli people. They were deeply impressed by the manner in which the overwhelming problems of integrating many hundreds of thousands of immigrants of many various backgrounds and cultures were being successfully overcome. Convinced of the determination of this valiant people to live in peace, the President gave them renewed assurance of the support of the people of the United States.

The Prime Minister and the President agreed that the cordiality of Israel's reception of the President reflected the long friendship between Israel and the United States and pledged their continued energies to nurture and strengthen that friendship. To this end, the President invited Prime Minister Rabin to pay an early visit to Washington.

Note: The text of the statement was released at Jerusalem, Israel.

On the same day, the White House released the transcript of a news briefing on the President's meetings in the Middle East by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger.

Also on the same day, the President and Mrs. Nixon visited the Yad Vashem Monument at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem to attend a memorial service for the 6 million European Jews killed during World War II.

Richard Nixon, Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/255958

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