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White House Statement on the Signing of an International Agreement on Cyprus.

July 30, 1974

THE United States welcomes the announcement in Geneva of the agreement reached by the Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom, Greece, and Turkey. We consider this an important step towards the restoration of peace and stability in Cyprus.

We commend the intensive and patient efforts of the three governments concerned which brought about this achievement. In particular, we wish to pay tribute to the skill and persistence of Mr. [James] Callaghan, the Minister of State of Great Britain, who, as leader of the conference, deserves great credit for its success and to the Foreign Ministers of Greece and Turkey.

Note: See Item 227, footnote 2.

Richard Nixon, White House Statement on the Signing of an International Agreement on Cyprus. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/256165

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