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Nomination of Melvyn R. Paisley To Be an Assistant Secretary of the Navy

October 23, 1981

The President today announced his intention to nominate Melvyn R. Paisley to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Engineering and Systems. He would succeed David E. Mann.

Mr. Paisley is currently vice president of Boeing International and manager of international operations. During the past 27 years at Boeing, Mr. Paisley has filled numerous management and engineering positions. In 1954 he was responsible for the design and test on the BOMARC missile. In 1959 he became manager of the electronics staff for the Minuteman missile system where he directed early development of a radio launch control system.

In 1961 Mr. Paisley was appointed engineering manager of the Minuteman system at Wing I in Great Falls, Mont., where he was responsible for the engineering aspects of deploying the first Minuteman Wing.

Following that assignment, he was manager of the Safeguard anti-ballistic misled implementation project and was then assigned as the B-1 electronics proposal manager. In 1971 he became the 747 Tankers program manager. His last assignment before taking his present position was director of planning for Boeing Aerospace Co.

Mr. Paisley graduated from the American Institute of Technology (1953) and MIT (1954). He is married, has four children, and resides in Kent, Wash. He was born October 9, 1924, in Portland, Oreg.

Ronald Reagan, Nomination of Melvyn R. Paisley To Be an Assistant Secretary of the Navy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/246535

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