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Nomination of Leonore Annenberg To Have the Rank of Ambassador While Serving as Chief of Protocol for the White House

February 11, 1981

The President announced today that Leonore Annenberg will serve as Chief of Protocol for the White House and will be nominated to have the rank of Ambassador while so serving.

Mrs. Annenberg is a trustee of the Annenberg School of Communications, a graduate school with extensions at the University of Southern California and the University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Annenberg has been active in the arts for many years. She serves on the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, board of directors of the Philadelphia Orchestra, board of trustees of the Academy of Music, and is a trustee of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Mrs. Annenberg is a member of the Philadelphia Society for the Preservation of Landmarks, the White House Preservation Fund, and former president of the Palm Springs Desert Museum.

She is an honorary trustee of the Performing Arts Council of the Music Center of Los Angeles County and is a director of the Metropolitan Opera Associates.

Mrs. Annenberg was graduated from Stanford University (B.A., 1940).

Mrs. Annenberg is married to Walter H. Annenberg and resides in Wynnewood, Pa. She was born in New York City on February 20, 1918.

Ronald Reagan, Nomination of Leonore Annenberg To Have the Rank of Ambassador While Serving as Chief of Protocol for the White House Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/246280

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