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Nomination of Ann McGill Gorsuch To Be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

February 21, 1981

The President announced today his intention to nominate Ann McGill Gorsuch to be Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency.

Mrs. Gorsuch is an attorney with the corporate legal department of Mountain Bell in Denver, Colo. She also served as deputy district attorney for Denver.

Mrs. Gorsuch served 4 years as a Colorado State legislator. She served as vice chairman of the House Judiciary Committee from 1976 to 1978, chairman of the House State Affairs Committee in 1978-80, member of the House Transportation Committee in 1977, chairman of the House Legal Affairs Committee, and chairman of the Joint (House/Senate) Committee.

In 1977, as a member of the House Transportation Committee, she played a key role in the enactment of the Colorado stationary sources (air quality) bill.

Mrs. Gorsuch is a resident of Denver, Colo. She was born in Casper, Wyo., on April 21, 1942.

Ronald Reagan, Nomination of Ann McGill Gorsuch To Be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/246698

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