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Jimmy Carter photo

Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters.

December 26, 1980

Q. Mr. President, did you get a chance to see the tape of the hostages, the Christmas tape?

THE. PRESIDENT. Yes, I saw it.

Q. What did you think of it?

THE PRESIDENT. Well, they have a longer tape that we're going to look at today, the State Department will, but we were glad to see those 15 or so hostages, and they seemed to be doing fairly well. But what they need is freedom.

REPORTER. Thank you.

Note: The exchange began at 9 a.m. outside Carters Warehouse.

Jimmy Carter, Plains, Georgia Informal Exchange With Reporters. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/250800

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