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Announcement of the Resignation of Lloyd N. Cutler as Counsel to the President

November 26, 1980

The President has accepted the resignation of Lloyd N. Cutler as Counsel to the President, effective November 30.

At the President's request, Mr. Cutler will continue to serve as an unpaid consultant on a number of pending matters, including the legal aspects of the negotiations for the return of hostages held in Iran, the disposition of the President's papers, and the President's actions on legislation completed by the 94th Congress.

Mr. Cutler, who was appointed Counsel on October 1, 1979, had planned to stay only 1 year.

The President said that he accepted Mr. Cutler's resignation "with deep appreciation to you for having performed your difficult tasks so superbly and for having helped me so much during some trying times."

Jimmy Carter, Announcement of the Resignation of Lloyd N. Cutler as Counsel to the President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/251105

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