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Executive Order 12905—Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee

March 25, 1994

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), and section 135(c)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2155(c)(1)) ("Act"), it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.Establishment. There is established in the Office of the United States Trade Representative ("Trade Representative") the "Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee" ("Committee").

Sec. 2.Membership. (a) The Committee shall consist of not more than 35 members, including, but not limited to, representatives from environmental interest groups, industry (including the environmental technology and environmental services industries), agriculture, services, non-Federal government, and consumer interests. The Committee should be broadly representative of the key sectors and groups of the economy with an interest in trade and environmental policy issues.

(b) The Chairman of the Committee shall be elected by the Committee from among its members. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Trade Representative, in consultation with the Cabinet secretaries described in section 2155(c)(1) of title 19, United States Code, for a term of 2 years and may be reappointed for any number of terms. Appointments to the Committee shall be made without regard to political affiliation. Any member may be removed at the discretion of the Trade Representative.

Sec. 3.Functions. (a) The Committee shall provide the Trade Representative with policy advice on issues involving trade and the environment.

(b) The Committee shall submit a report to the President, to the Congress, and to the Trade Representative at the conclusion of negotiations for each trade agreement referred to in section 102 of the Act. The report shall include an advisory opinion on whether and to what extent the agreement promotes the interests of the United States.

(c) The Committee may establish such subcommittees of its members as it deems necessary, subject to the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and the approval of the Trade Representative, or his designee.

(d) The Committee shall report its activities to the Trade Representative, or his designee.

Sec. 4.Administration. (a) The Trade Representative, or his designee, with the advice of the Chairman, shall be responsible for prior approval of the agendas for all Committee meetings.

(b) The Trade Representative, or his designee, shall be responsible for determinations, filings, and other administrative requirements of the Federal

Advisory Committee Act.

(c)(1) The Trade Representative shall provide funding and administrative and staff support for the Committee.

(2) The Committee shall have an Executive Director who shall be a Federal officer or employee designated by the Trade Representative.

(d) Members of the Committee shall serve without either compensation or reimbursement of expenses.

(e) The Committee shall meet as needed at the call of the Trade Representative or his designee, depending on various factors such as the level of activity of trade negotiations and the needs of the Trade Representative, or at the call of two-thirds of the members of the Committee.

Sec. 5.General. The Committee shall function for such period as may be necessary. In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Committee shall terminate after 2 years from the date of this order unless otherwise extended.

William J. Clinton

The White House,

March 25, 1994.

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 10:52 a.m., March 28, 1994]

William J. Clinton, Executive Order 12905—Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/218574

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