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Executive Order 13072—White House Millennium Council

February 02, 1998

By the authority vested as me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to announce the formation of a Council to recognize national and local projects that commemorate the millennium, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The White House, the Department of Education, and all executive branch agencies shall lead the country in a national and educational celebration of our culture, democracy, and citizenry. The Federal Government has a special responsibility to inspire the American people to reflect upon and commemorate the achievements of this country's past and to celebrate the possibilities of the future. To carry forward this country's great democratic tradition and enrich the lives of our children and the children of the 21st century, the Federal Government shall encourage Americans to make plans to mark the new millennium in communities across America. By leading this country in a grand educational celebration of the past and future, the Federal Government has an unprecedented opportunity to energize and unite the Nation with a renewed sense of optimism in the accomplishments and promise of America.

Sec. 2. White House Millennium Council. (a) To enable the White House, the Department of Education, and executive branch agencies to provide national leadership in this historic time, I hereby announce the formation of the White House Millennium Council.

(b) The White House Millennium Council shall be composed of a Director, Deputy Director, administrative staff, and a representative from each of the following:

(1) Department of State; (2) Department of the Treasury; (3) Department of Defense; (4) Department of Justice; (5) Department of the Interior; (6) Department of Agriculture; (7) Department of Commerce; (8) Department of Labor; (9) Department of Health and Human Services; (10) Department of Housing and Urban Development; (11) Department of Transportation; (12) Department of Energy; (13) Department of Education; (14) Department of Veterans Affairs; (15) Environmental Protection Agency; (16) Office of Management and Budget; (17) Small Business Administration; (18) United States Information Agency; and (19) General Services Administration.

At the Director's discretion, the Director may request other agencies to be represented on the Council.

(c) The mission of the Council is to lead the country in a celebration of the new millennium by initiating and recognizing national and local projects that contribute in educational, creative, and productive ways to America's commemoration of this historic time. To these ends, the Council shall:

(1) Mark the 200th anniversary of the occupancy of the White House by American Presidents, the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Federal capital city in Washington, D.C., and the 200th anniversary of the first meeting of the Congress in the Capitol, celebrating these events in the year 2000 as milestones in our democratic system of government;

(2) Plan events to recognize the history and past accomplishments of America that reflect upon the present forces shaping society and that encourage thoughtful planning for the future;

(3) Produce informational and resource materials to educate the American people concerning our Nation's past and to inspire thought concerning the future;

(4) Encourage communities and citizens to initiate and to participate in local projects that inspire Americans to remember their past achievements, understand the present challenges to society, and make concrete contributions to the next generations of their families, communities, and country;

(5) Work with Federal agencies, the Congress, elected officials, and all citizens to plan activities and programs that will unite the American people in contemplation and celebration of the next century and the new millennium;

(6) Make recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior regarding the provision of assistance from funds made available for Save America's Treasures in the Historic Preservation Fund to public and private entities that are protecting America's threatened cultural treasures. These treasures include significant documents, works of art, maps, journals, and historic structures that document and illuminate the history and culture of the United States;

(7) Encourage Federal agencies to develop programs to commemorate and celebrate the new millennium in ways consistent with their individual agency missions and that advance a more unified America in the 21st century;

(8) Encourage Federal agencies, through local branches and offices, to reach out into communities and inspire citizens to participate in grassroots activities and to give permanent gifts to the future;

(9) Work in partnership with private-sector and nonprofit entities that initiate productive and worthwhile national and community-based efforts to commemorate the new millennium and encourage citizen participation, volunteerism, and philanthropy;

(10) Highlight public and private millennium initiatives that promote the goals of the Council; and

(11) Cooperate with other nations that are planning millennium events to expand the opportunities for international communication and understanding.

Sec. 3. Administration. To the extent permitted by law, the heads of executive departments and agencies shall provide such information and assistance as may be necessary for the Council to carry out its functions.

Sec. 4. Judicial Review. This order does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agencies, its officers, or any other person.

William J. Clinton

The White House,

February 2, 1998.

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 8:45 a.m., February 4, 1998]

William J. Clinton, Executive Order 13072—White House Millennium Council Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/224390

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