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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Nomination of Don S. Smith To Be a Commissioner.

September 28, 1977

The President today announced that he will nominate Don S. Smith, of Arkansas, to be a Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a term of 2 years.

Smith was born October 9, 1937, in Ouachita County, Ark. He received a B.A. from the University of Arkansas in 1960 and an LL.B. from the University of Arkansas School of Law in 1962.

From 1963 to 1967, Smith was an assistant professor, then associate professor of law at Emory University School of Law. He was the Arkansas securities commissioner from 1967 until 1969, when he became a member of the Arkansas Public Service Commission. Since 1973 he has been a Commissioner of the Federal Power Commission. He served as Vice Chairman of the Commission for 1975 and was reelected Vice Chairman for the latter half of 1977.

Smith has served as Arkansas member and chairman of the Southern Interstate Nuclear Board, chairman of the Laws and Regulations Committee of the Southern Governors' Conference Task Force on Nuclear Power Policy, and Arkansas member of the Steering Committee of the Southern Regional Environmental Conservation Council. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and designated official FPC observer on the Interstate Oil Compact Commission.

Jimmy Carter, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Nomination of Don S. Smith To Be a Commissioner. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242476

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