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National Council on the Arts Nomination of Three Members of the Council.

November 14, 1977

The President today announced that he will nominate Theodore Bikel, Maureen Dees, and Jacob Lawrence to be members of the National Council on the Arts.

Bikel, 53, would replace Thomas Schippers, resigned, and serve until September 3, 1980. Bikel is an actor in Broadway theater, motion pictures, and television.

Dees, 40, would replace Rosalind R. Brisson, deceased, and serve until September 3, 1978. She is with the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., and has had experience working with community theaters and local development of the arts in medium-sized and small communities. She is one of the founders of the Montgomery Theatre Guild, a program to train actors and directors for regional community theaters.

Lawrence, 60, would replace Judith Jamison, resigned, and serve until September 3, 1978. He is a painter who has had numerous exhibitions and whose work is represented in many public collections. He is a professor of art at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Jimmy Carter, National Council on the Arts Nomination of Three Members of the Council. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242763

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