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Christmas 1977 Message of the President,

December 24, 1977

At this joyous season, Rosalynn and I extend our warmest wishes to all of our fellow citizens who celebrate Christmas. This is a very special Christmas for us and our family. We are deeply grateful for all the help and affection the American people have given us during this challenging and rewarding year.

Our country has been especially blessed throughout our history. In this season of hope we seek, as individuals and as a nation, to serve as instruments to bring the ancient promises of peace and good will closer to fulfillment for all the peoples of the earth.

May you have a merry Christmas and very satisfying and happy New Year.


Note: The text of the message was released at Plains, Ga.

Jimmy Carter, Christmas 1977 Message of the President, Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242730

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