Memorandum for the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations on the American Non-Rubber Footwear Industry
Memorandum for the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations
Subject: Decision on Non-Rubber Footwear Under Section 202(b) of the Trade Act of 1974.
Pursuant to section 202(b) of the Trade Act of 1974 (PL 93-618, 88 Stat. 1978), I have determined the action I will take with respect to the report of the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) dated February 8, 1977, concerning the results of its investigation on non-rubber footwear. This investigation was undertaken at the request of the Senate Finance Committee.
I have determined that the import relief remedy recommended by the USITC does not provide a balance among the various interests involved. Therefore, I am directing you to negotiate and conclude the necessary agreements with the appropriate foreign exporting countries to moderate the problems caused to our domestic footwear manufacturers, workers, and communities by rapid shifts in foreign exports of non-rubber footwear to the United States. This should be a short term program sufficient to allow the domestic industry to become more competitive.
In seeking these agreements you should remain mindful of the interests of American consumers and the difficult economic problems faced by a number of our trading partners, in particular the developing country suppliers with serious balance of payments deficits.
I am also asking the Secretaries of Commerce and Labor to work closely with you to ensure effective use of the resources available under existing law for the benefit of the shoe industry and the communities in which shoe plants are located.
In addition, I am ordering a full review of the Government's trade adjustment assistance program and will recommend to the Congress within the next 90 days any legislation which may be warranted. This will coincide with your negotiating effort, and in accordance with the law, I will present a program of relief to the Congress no later than 90 days from today.
This determination is to be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
Note: The memorandum was not issued in the form of a White House press release.
Jimmy Carter, Memorandum for the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations on the American Non-Rubber Footwear Industry Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243627