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President's Personal Emissary to Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus Designation of Clark M. Clifford

February 03, 1977

The President announced today that he has asked Clark M. Clifford to undertake a special mission to Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus as his personal emissary.

Mr. Clifford will visit all three countries in the near future, on a schedule to be developed in consultation with the three governments concerned.

In Greece and Turkey, Mr. Clifford will discuss matters relating to our bilateral relations with these two valued allies. Through these consultations he will seek to improve our understanding of matters of importance to them and to the United States.

Mr. Clifford's visit to Cyprus will be designed to enable him to make an independent assessment of the situation on the island, prospects for early movement toward a negotiated settlement, and how we might be of assistance in this process.

He will consult with United Nations Secretary General Waldheim, who will be visiting Cyprus in mid-February, and with the member States of the European Community. A stop in London and perhaps other European capitals may be included in Mr. Clifford's itinerary.

Mr. Clifford served as White House Counsel during the administration of President Harry S. Truman. In this capacity, he assisted President Truman in the formulation of the Truman Doctrine of March 1947, which extended aid to Greece and Turkey.

He was an adviser to President John F. Kennedy and, by appointment of President Kennedy, served as a member and then Chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

Mr. Clifford served as Secretary of Defense in 1968 and 1969.

Jimmy Carter, President's Personal Emissary to Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus Designation of Clark M. Clifford Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/244016

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