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Post-Secondary Education in Micronesia Letter Transmitting a Report to Congressional Committee Chairmen.

July 20, 1977

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Pursuant to P.L. 94-255, I am transmitting herewith a report concerning postsecondary education in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

The Congress of Micronesia originally requested the appropriation of $8 million in order to replace the facilities of the existing Community College of Micronesia located in Ponape. In authorizing the funds, Congress directed that no appropriation shall be made until a study is conducted to determine the educational need and most suitable educational concept for a Micronesian college and transmitted by the President to the appropriate committees of the Congress with his recommendation.

The Department of the Interior has conducted the study and has prepared the enclosed report. The report analyzes the educational system in Micronesia and recommends that several important steps be taken to revitalize and redirect Micronesian education before funds are appropriated to construct any new physical facilities for higher education in the Trust Territory.

The report does not deny the need for a quality institution of higher learning in Micronesia. It does recommend quite strongly, however, that a curriculum tailored to Micronesia's unique needs be developed before embarking on any new construction activities. I believe that this basic recommendation is sound, and I concur generally with the other recommendations contained in the report.

The Congress of Micronesia and the Micronesia Board of Education have written to me expressing their strong desire for immediate construction of physical facilities for the college. I appreciate their expression of interest and the symbolic value that a new college would have to the Micronesians.

Based on the findings of the enclosed report, however, I believe that constructing a new college before the Micronesian educational system is redesigned to be more responsive and more relevant to Micronesia's present and future needs would be of little benefit.

In response to the concerns of the Congress of Micronesia and the Micronesia Board of Education, as well as to the concerns expressed in the report, I have directed the Secretary of the Interior to work closely with the Micronesian people in the selection of a new president of the college and in the initiation of planning, research, and development efforts to prepare a program for the college which is relevant to Micronesia's special needs.

Further, I hope that the Micronesians themselves can provide some financial support for the college.

When these steps are accomplished, I believe it would be appropriate for the United States to consider financial assistance for the construction of college facilities in Micronesia.



Note: This is the text of identical letters addressed to Senator Henry M. Jackson, chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and Representative Morris K. Udall, chairman of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

The 87-page report entitled "The College of Micronesia, the President's Report to Congress" was prepared by the Office of Territorial Affairs, Department of the Interior.

Jimmy Carter, Post-Secondary Education in Micronesia Letter Transmitting a Report to Congressional Committee Chairmen. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/243281

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