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Letter to the Vice President on the Need for Developing Operational Communications Satellites.

June 24, 1961

[Released June 24, 1961. Dated June 15, 1961]

Dear Lyndon:

I will appreciate your having the Space Council undertake to make the necessary studies and government-wide policy recommendations for bringing into optimum use at the earliest practicable time operational communications satellites. The Federal agencies concerned will provide every assistance which you may request.

I am anxious that this new technology be applied to serve the rapidly expanding communications needs of this and other nations on a global basis, giving particular attention to those of this hemisphere and newly developing nations throughout the world. Such communications needs include both governmental and non-governmental requirements. Throughout this analysis, public interest objectives should be given the highest priority.

Policy proposals should include recommendations not only as to the nature and diversity of ownership and operation of communications systems and parts thereof, but also proposed objectives. Effective utilization of both our public and private resources needs to be assured, as well as close cooperation with other countries and their communications systems. Continuing coordination of the governmental agencies responsible for regulatory, space, military, and other aspects of this field is essential.

I will appreciate receiving recommendations from you on these and other matters bearing on the development and use of communications satellites just as promptly as possible. Research and development should proceed at an accelerated pace while this study is in progress.



Note: For the President's statement following the receipt of the Vice President's recommendations, see Item 299.

John F. Kennedy, Letter to the Vice President on the Need for Developing Operational Communications Satellites. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/234935

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