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Statement on Signing the Omnibus Indian Advancement Act

December 27, 2000

Today I am pleased to sign into law H.R. 5528, the "Omnibus Indian Advancement Act." This Act is the product of lengthy negotiations among the Congress, my Administration, tribal governments and other interested parties. I commend all of the participants in these negotiations for their work in producing a bill that will benefit many Indian communities.

This Act emphasizes my Administration's commitment to self-determination and self-governance of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian people. In particular, the Act establishes an American Indian Education Foundation to encourage and accept private gifts to help further the education of Indian children attending Bureau of Indian Affairs schools in grades K-12; offers increased economic development opportunities for Indian tribes; authorizes new activities to help support and improve tribal governance, including the new Native Nations Institute at the Morris K. Udall Foundation; provides for the settlement of an historic land case in California; restores and reestablishes the Federal and trust relationship to two separate tribal groups; improves housing assistance to and affordable housing for Native Americans and Native Hawaiians; and includes other benefits and authorities for various American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities.

Section 1104 of this bill raises a constitutional concern insofar as it could be read to interfere with my constitutional authority to determine when and whether to recommend legislation to the Congress. I will therefore treat it as precatory.

This Act demonstrates our commitment to providing more support to the aboriginal peoples of this Nation. I am pleased to sign it into law.


The White House, December 27, 2000.

NOTE: H.R. 5528, approved December 27, was assigned Public Law No. 106-568.

William J. Clinton, Statement on Signing the Omnibus Indian Advancement Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/228049

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