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Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Agenda: The Three-Legged Republican Stool

October 15, 2007


Romney Press Shop (857) 288-6390



" I believe that to win the White House that our candidate has to be somebody who can represent and speak for all three legs of the conservative stool or conservative coalition that Ronald Reagan put together – social conservatives, economic conservatives and defense conservatives." – Governor Romney (Governor Mitt Romney, Press Availability, Grand Rapids, MI, 10/13/07)


"Mitt Romney has called for adding 100,000 soldiers and boosting defense spending to four percent of GDP. These are sensible proposals, and we hope the other GOP candidates make similar ones."National Review (Editorial, "Size Matters," National Review, 4/16/07)

Defending America With A Strong Military:

Governor Romney Will Defend America By Strengthening Our Military. Across America, there are thousands of families with members in the Armed Forces, Reserves and National Guard who need more support from Washington.

- Governor Romney Will Add At Least 100,000 More Troops To Our Armed Forces.

- Governor Romney Will Commit At Least 4% Of Our Gross Domestic Product To Defense. This will help provide the resources needed for equipment, modernization, training, treatment and care of our wounded soldiers.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Full Plan To Strengthen Our Military.

Defeating The Jihadists:

Governor Romney Has Outlined A Comprehensive Strategy To Defeat The Jihadist Threat And Ensure American Security. To defeat the global Jihadist threat, Governor Romney believes we need a truly global strategy that combines our efforts with others, brings more tools of our national power to bear and implements specific, tailored strategies for every nation at risk. As part of this strategy, Governor Romney will create the Special Partnership Force (SPF) built on a core of Special Forces experts trained to work with local governments around the world.

- Click Here To View Governor Romney's PowerPoint On The Special Partnership Force.

Governor Romney's Strategy To Combat The Threat Of Nuclear Terrorism:

Governor Romney Has Outlined A Comprehensive Strategy To Prevent Nuclear Material From Ending Up In The Hands Of Terrorists. While there is a threat of nuclear material from nations like Iran falling into the hands of terrorists, we must be vigilant in preventing terrorists and Jihadists from acquiring what are commonly known as "loose nukes." To guard against this nuclear peril, Governor Romney has proposed several new initiatives.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Strategy To Combat The Threat Of Nuclear Terrorism.

Preventing A Nuclear Iran:

Governor Romney Is The Only Republican Presidential Candidate Who Has Outlined A Comprehensive Plan To Prevent A Nuclear Iran. Governor Romney's plan will tighten economic sanctions against the Iranian regime; isolate Iran diplomatically and indict Iran's President Ahmadinejad for inciting genocide; encourage Arab states to join our efforts; make clear to the Iranian people the peril of acquiring nuclear capabilities which means keeping the military option on the table; and integrate our strategy into a broader approach to support moderate Muslim communities and leaders.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Remarks On His Iran Strategy.

Securing Our Borders:

Governor Romney Will Secure Our Borders And Enforce Our Current Immigration Laws. Governor Romney believes we must enforce our laws, secure our border, put in place an enforceable employment verification system, and provide no special pathway to citizenship for those here illegally.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Record Of Enforcing Our Immigration Laws.


"Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, has given the most detailed Republican tax plan so far."The Wall Street Journal (Deborah Solomon And Sarah Lueck, "Democrats Outline Tax Approach," The Wall Street Journal, 9/19/07)

Eliminating Taxes On Middle Class Savings:

Governor Romney Will Make Middle Class Savings Tax Free. Governor Romney's plan will allow middle class Americans to save tax free by changing the tax rate on interest, capital gains and dividends to absolutely 0%. By helping more Americans save and invest, we can meet the challenges of an aging population and ensure the financial security of America.

- Click Here To Read More About Governor Romney's Middle Class Tax-Free Savings Plan.

Governor Romney's Plan Will Help Millions Of Taxpayers Save And Invest Tax Free. Based on 2005 tax returns:

- 56,148,740 Taxpayers Who Earned Interest Could Have Benefited From This Tax Break.

- 28,351,341 Taxpayers Who Earned Dividends Could Have Benefited From This Tax Break.

- 23,316,273 Taxpayers Who Earned Capital Gains Could Have Benefited From This Tax Break.

Letting The American People Keep More Of Their Hard-Earned Money:

Governor Romney Has Proposed A Strong Tax Relief Agenda. Governor Romney will make the Bush tax relief permanent, roll back tax rates for all Americans, eliminate the death tax once and for all, cut the corporate tax rate, oppose any increase in Social Security taxes and make qualified medical expenses tax deductible.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Conservative Blueprint To Cut Taxes.

Governor Romney Is The Only Major Republican Presidential Candidate To Have Signed The "Taxpayer Protection Pledge" To Oppose Any Increase In Taxes On The American People.

Living Within A Budget In Washington:

Governor Romney Will Cut Spending In Washington. Americans are concerned about the overspending in Washington. Like the millions of families and businesses across the country, government must also live within a budget. Excessive spending is not an option for American families and should not be an option for Washington politicians.

- Governor Romney Will Veto Appropriations Bills That Exceed Spending Targets. He will veto any non-defense discretionary appropriations bill that grows spending at a rate greater than inflation minus one percent (CPI-1%). This will save $300 billion over 10 years.

- Governor Romney Will Review And Reevaluate All Federal Spending Programs. He will undertake an exhaustive review of each federal program to eliminate wasteful programs.

- Governor Romney Believes The President Needs The Line-Item Veto Power. Giving the President this power would allow us to make tremendous strides in eliminating earmarks and cutting inefficient programs.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Plan To Cut Wasteful Spending.

Building A Stronger Economy:

Governor Romney Has Outlined A Conservative Blueprint To Strengthen Our Economy. In addition to lowering taxes on the American people and bringing fiscal responsibility to Washington, Governor Romney's economic blueprint includes initiatives to reform the tort system, become energy secure, strengthen our education system and promote trade around the world.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Conservative Blueprint To Strengthen Our Economy.

Improving America's Health Care System:

Governor Romney Will Improve Our Health Care System By Putting Conservative, Market-Based Principles To Work. Governor Romney's health care reform plan is a comprehensive solution to America's health care ills that expands access to affordable, portable, quality, private health insurance. Governor Romney's plan recognizes the importance of the role of the states in leading reform and the need for innovation in dealing with rising health care costs and the problem of the uninsured.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Conservative Plan To Improve Health Care.


"As it happens, only one of the leading Republican candidates – Mitt Romney – supports a federal marriage amendment, which would constitutionally prevent marriage redefinition in the states." – Kathryn Jean Lopez (Kathryn Jean Lopez, "Marriage And The GOP," Sacramento Bee, 9/14/07)

Defending The Sanctity Of Human Life:

Governor Romney Will Defend The Sanctity Of Human Life. He opposes abortion and embryonic-destructive stem cell research, and will pursue a pro-life agenda. When presented with legislation on life issues in Massachusetts, Governor Romney sided with life.

- Click Here To Read Governor Romney's Remarks To The National Right To Life Convention.

Championing Traditional Marriage:

Governor Romney Has Been A Champion For Traditional Marriage. In Massachusetts, Governor Romney fought to defend traditional marriage as between one man and one woman.

- Governor Romney Is The Only Major Republican Presidential Candidate Who Supports The Federal Marriage Amendment. He testified before the Senate for the Amendment, and wrote to all 100 U.S. Senators asking them to vote for the Amendment.

- Click Here To Watch Governor Romney Discuss The Need To Protect Traditional Marriage.

Protecting Our Children:

Governor Romney Is The Only Major Republican Presidential Candidate Who Has Laid Out An Agenda To Clean Up The Culture That Surrounds Our Children. Every mother and father wants to protect their children. Governor Romney will work to ensure that every home computer has effective software to filter out unwanted pornography. He will enforce our nation's obscenity laws and punish retailers who sell excessively violent and sexually explicit video games to minors.

Governor Romney Has Proposed A "One-Strike, You're Ours" Law To Protect Your Children. To help protect our children, Governor Romney will propose new, tougher federal penalties for first-time offenders who use the Internet to sexually assault children.

- "One-Strike, You're Ours" Includes Lifetime Tracking By Global Positioning Satellite (GPS).

- Nationally, There Are Over 600,000 Convicted Sex Offenders. For example, MySpace.com recently identified and removed more than 29,000 sex offenders from its online site.

- Click Here To Read More About Governor Romney's Initiatives To Protect Our Children.

Read Governor Romney's Full Strategy For A Stronger America:

To read more about Governor Romney's agenda to change Washington, please click on the Strategy for a Stronger America , a compilation of his policy proposals for conservative change and to meet the new generation of challenges confronting our nation. Since January 2007, Governor Romney has outlined more than 50 different policy proposals. From defeating violent Jihadists to protecting traditional values, Governor Romney believes we can build a stronger America by taking Washington apart and putting it back together based on conservative principles that strengthen our national defense, our economy and our families.

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Agenda: The Three-Legged Republican Stool Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296940

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