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Romney Campaign Press Release - Gov. Romney: Surge Working

September 12, 2007

"[The] testimony from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker confirms the progress being made by our troops in Iraq. This is good news for Americans and Iraqis. ... America must continue its commitment to the strategy General Petraeus is executing." - Gov. Mitt Romney (Romney For President, Press Release, 9/11/07)


Gov. Romney Welcomes The Petraeus Report And News That U.S. Forces Are Making Progress In Iraq:

Gov. Romney Called The Petraeus Report "Good News For Americans And Iraqis." ROMNEY: "Today's testimony from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker confirms the progress being made by our troops in Iraq. This is good news for Americans and Iraqis. The importance of a successful conclusion to Iraq must be weighed in light of the global threat of violent Jihad and terror. America must continue its commitment to the strategy General Petraeus is executing." (Romney For President, Press Release, 9/11/07)

- Gov. Mitt Romney: "And I think the American people listened with interest to General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker and recognized that we have true American patriots and heroes here. And they expressed their views openly. ... [T]hey pointed out the good and the bad. The net in both of their testimony was that we are making progress?" (WLS 890 AM's "Don Wade & Roma," 9/12/07)

Gov. Romney Believes That "Walking Away" From The Conflict In Iraq Would "Present Grave Risks" To The U.S. ROMNEY: "All Americans want U.S. troops to come home as soon as possible. But walking away now or dividing Iraq up into parts and walking away later would present grave risks to the United States and the world. Iran could seize the Shiite south, al Qaeda could dominate the Sunni west, and Kurdish nationalism could destabilize the border with Turkey. A regional conflict could ensue, perhaps even requiring the return of U.S. troops under far worse circumstances." (Governor Mitt Romney, "Rising To A New Generation Of Global Challenges," Foreign Affairs, July/August 2007)

Gov. Romney Rejects The Negative And Defeatist Democrat Attacks:

Governor Romney Criticized Sen. Obama's Plan, Calling It A "Flee-In-The-Face-Of-Success Strategy." "Obama's push for withdrawal drew a sharp rebuke from Republican rival Mitt Romney. 'I think Barack Obama has disqualified himself for presidential leadership,' Romney said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. 'If we take the kind of left turn represented by Barack Obama and his flee-in-the-face-of-success strategy, we'd be in a very different position as a nation.'" (Mike Glover, "US Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Calls For Immediate, Gradual Withdrawal From Iraq," The Associated Press, 9/12/07)

Gov. Romney Believes That Sen. Obama Has "Disqualified Himself" For President By Advocating "Cut And Run" Policies In Iraq. "So in some respects I think this was a defining moment for Barack Obama and he's disqualified himself for his ability to be President by virtue of the cut and run approach he took, which would have had severe consequences." (WLS 890 AM's "Don Wade & Roma," 9/12/07)

Gov. Romney Believes That Sen. Obama's Policies Would Create A Safe Haven In Iraq For Al Qaeda. ROMNEY: "Well, thank heavens Barack Obama was not president over the last year, because had Barack Obama been president over the last year, Osama bin Laden would have been declaring victory in Iraq. We would have had Al Qaeda as a dominant player in Iraq. They would have had a safe haven, particularly in the Sunni portion of the country. ... And I think the comments he's made over the last month... I think they've really disqualified him in the minds of virtually everybody who's serious about this country. This is a man who by virtue of politics and perhaps panic has suggested a course in Iraq that would have led to Al Qaeda having a new safe haven." (Fox News' "Your World With Neil Cavuto," 9/12/07)

Gov. Romney Has Pushed For A Surge Of Support For Our Troops:

Gov. Romney: "I Think It's Time For American Citizens And Politicians To Make A Surge Of Support." "'At a time when American families and individuals are making a surge of sacrifice to support this troop surge, I think it's time for American citizens and politicians to make a surge of support,' Romney said Wednesday in Pelham, N.H., a comment he repeated throughout the day." (Glen Johnson, "Romney Donates $25,000 Amid Plea For Patriotic 'Surge'," The Associated Press, 8/2/07)

- Gov. Romney Continues To Encourage Americans To Show Their Support For Our Troops In Any Way They Can. "A father's concern about U.S. support for the military surge in Iraq has prompted Republican Mitt Romney to both make a $25,000 donation to a variety of military support agencies and urge Americans to engage in a similar display of patriotism. The money will be divided between USO Care Packages, the Fisher House, A Soldiers Wish List, Packages from Home, Operation Thank You, Operation Shoebox and America Supports You. Links to each site have been placed on Romney's presidential campaign Web site, www.mittromney.com." (Glen Johnson, "Romney Donates $25,000 Amid Plea For Patriotic 'Surge'," The Associated Press, 8/2/07)


Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) Today Outlined His Troop Pullout Plan:

Sen. Obama Called For The Complete Withdrawal Of All U.S. Troops In Iraq By The End Of Next Year. OBAMA: "Immediately begin to pull out troops engaged in combat operations at a pace of one or two brigades every month, to be completed by the end of next year." (Stephen Bach, "Obama: 'We Have To Begin To End This War Now,'" CNN Political Blog, http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com, Posted 9/12/07)

- Sen. Obama: "The best way to protect our security and to pressure Iraq's leaders to resolve their civil war is to immediately begin to remove our combat troops. Not in six months or one year - now." (Mike Glover, "Obama Outlines His Troop Pullout Plan," The Associated Press, 9/12/07)

Sen. Obama Rejected Gen. Petraeus' Recommendation To Maintain Current Troop Levels Through Next Summer. '"The president would have us believe there are two choices: keep all of our troops in Iraq or abandon these Iraqis,' Obama said. 'I reject this choice.'" (Mike Glover, "Obama Outlines His Troop Pullout Plan," The Associated Press, 9/12/07)

Sen. Obama: "Let Me Be Clear: There Is No Military Solution In Iraq And There Never Was." (Mike Glover, "Obama Outlines His Troop Pullout Plan," The Associated Press, 9/12/07)

Sen. Barack Obama Failed To Treat Petraeus And Crocker's Recent Congressional Testimony Seriously:

As The Hearing Began, Obama Studied A Political Memo Rather Than Pay Attention To Testimony. "Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), a presidential contender, took his seat on the dais in the Hart Senate Office Building [to listen to the testimony of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker], popped a piece of Nicorette gum into his mouth, opened a green folder and began reading a memo, partially visible to reporters behind him. ... Obama, as it happens, is to deliver a major campaign speech about Iraq in Iowa today -- so it isn't entirely surprising that he would be preparing some political barbs? Still, Obama's juxtaposition -- contemplating the nakedly political as he prepared to question the top U.S. general in Iraq and the U.S. ambassador to Iraq -- was stark." (Dana Milbank, "Enough About Iraq -- Let's Talk About Me," The Washington Post, 9/12/07)

Sen. Obama Used The Majority Of His Allotted Time To Bash U.S. Policies, And Did Not Leave Enough Time To Ask Gen. Petraeus Questions. "After using six of his minutes to lambaste President George W. Bush for leading the United States into a 'disastrous foreign policy mistake,' Sen. Barack Obama noted that he had little time to ask questions." (Nedra Pickler, "U.S. Presidential Candidates Who Could Inherit The War Cannot Do Much But Posture For Now," The Associated Press, 9/11/07)

Sen. Obama Accused Gen. Petraeus Of Dodging Questions. "However, the Illinois Senator accused Petraeus of dodging questions about the overarching Iraq war strategy. 'You've punted a little bit,' Obama said. 'We don't have limitless resources ... the question is one of strategy not tactics.'" (Jennifer Parker "Obama Doesn't Like Iraq Hearing On 9/11," ABC News Blog, http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2007/09, Posted 9/11/07)

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Gov. Romney: Surge Working Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296142

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