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Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Missouri Leaders

January 12, 2012

Mitt Romney today announced the support of Missouri leaders, including Congressman Billy Long.

"It's an honor to have the support of so many conservative Missouri leaders," said Mitt Romney. "This level of support shows that my message of restoring fiscal sanity to Washington is resonating with voters across the country. These supporters will be crucial to help me spread my message of creating jobs and cutting spending in the months to come." 

"I'm extremely proud to support a true conservative like Mitt Romney," said Congressman Billy Long. "Missouri voters — as well as voters across the country — are looking for someone who will reverse President Obama's failed policies. Mitt Romney will get rid of Obamacare, stop our government's out-of-control spending, and — most important of all — create jobs for the American people. If conservatives are serious about getting our country back on track, Mitt Romney is the clear choice."

Senate President Pro Tem Rob Mayer said, "The next election will be one of the most important in generations. We can choose to continue on the high-spending and economically stagnant path we are on, or we can elect Mitt Romney, a conservative businessman with a lifelong record of results. Missouri voters are looking for a change in direction for our country - that is why they will support Mitt Romney."

Missouri leaders supporting Mitt Romney:

  • Congressman Billy Long
  • Senate President Pro Tem Rob Mayer
  • State Sen. Dan Brown
  • State Sen. Mike Parson
  • State Sen. David Pearce
  • State Sen. Kurt Schaefer
  • State Rep. Kathy Conway
  • Cass County Committeeman Ryan Johnson
  • St. Louis County Committeeman Jim Gwinner

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Missouri Leaders Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/299592

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