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Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Endorsed By Washington State Rep. Matt Shea

February 15, 2012

"For 24 years Republican Ron Paul has consistently practiced what he preaches — lower taxes, less government, and more freedom."

BELLEVUE, Washington — 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by Washington State Representative Matt Shea (R-Spokane Valley). Representing the 4th District, Rep. Shea serves an area that includes Liberty Lake, Otis Orchards, and Spokane Valley.

In making his public endorsement, Rep. Shea issued the following statement:

"Ron Paul is right. A bloated, out of control, unaccountable federal government and Federal Reserve threatens the very existence of our Republic. America needs a dramatic change in direction...not mere talk. For 24 years Republican Ron Paul has consistently practiced what he preaches — lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"From introducing legislation to exempt restaurant tips from the income tax to demanding an audit of the Federal Reserve, Ron Paul has served by example and changed the debate for a generation. On foreign policy matters, I support Israel and that is why I support Ron Paul. He is the only candidate to consistently vote against foreign aid to Israel's enemies and publicly back Israel's right to defend itself without U.S. permission, illustrated by his lone 1981 vote to not condemn Israel for attacking the Iraqi Osirak Nuclear Reactor. Ron Paul is the only one who has areal plan."

Matt Shea is a practicing attorney in Spokane Valley. He is a graduate of Gonzaga University and cum Laude graduate of Gonzaga Law School. Matt is a decorated United States Army combat veteran having served two tours overseas, including eight months in Bosnia as a platoon leader, and 11 months in Baghdad as a company commander. He was named "Rookie Legislator of the Year" in 2009 by the Everett Herald and is a leader in the Tenth Amendment movement.

In addition to his endorsement as a lawmaker in the Evergreen State, as a function of this announcement Rep. Shea also joins the national advisory board of "Veterans for Ron Paul," in particular its Washington steering committee.

Providing a strong boost to Ron Paul's Washington State organization, such endorsements present Ron Paul as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney. They also demonstrate that the 12-term Congressman from Texas has the only campaign organization capable of maintaining a 50-state competition with the moderate-establishment Romney.

Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Endorsed By Washington State Rep. Matt Shea Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/300483

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