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Results   1 - 25 of 310 records found

Date Related Document Title
Oct 11, 1929 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
of any other trip before Christmas , and I have no notion of …
Dec 12, 1929 Herbert Hoover Executive Order 5238—Christmas, 1929
Executive Order 5238—Christmas, 1929 …
Dec 13, 1929 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
agencies report that the Christmas buying is up to the average …
Dec 17, 1929 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
morning. It is getting time for Christmas and you don't want to work anyway …
Dec 20, 1929 Herbert Hoover Christmas Message to Disabled Veterans.
women: I send you cordial Christmas greetings and my best wishes … Christmas Message to Disabled Veterans …
Dec 20, 1929 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
will want to go away for Christmas , and I will be too lazy … occasion to wish you a merry Christmas , and will have a chance to … want to tell us about your Christmas plans ? THE PRESIDENT. I …
Dec 24, 1929 Herbert Hoover Christmas Greeting to the Nation
unseen audience, both a merry Christmas and a most happy new year … Christmas Greeting to the Nation … was delivered at the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony in …
Dec 27, 1929 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
of Commerce shows that the Christmas shopping this year was fully … 10 to 15 percent fall in Christmas shopping, so that as it is … to that building after a Christmas eve fire in the executive …
Dec 31, 1929 Herbert Hoover Letter to the District of Columbia Fire Department on Its Service in Fighting an Executive Office Fire.
in the Executive Office on Christmas eve. It was a fine piece … the White House from the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on …
Jan 03, 1930 Herbert Hoover Statement About Repair of the Executive Offices.
Note: A fire on Christmas eve, 1929, did extensive …
Apr 15, 1930 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
April 15, 1930. Due to a Christmas eve fire in the executive …
Oct 01, 1930 Herbert Hoover Message on the First Annual Patriotic Pilgrimage of the Newspaper Boys of America.
Presidential reception on Christmas Day. Participants were selected …
Oct 06, 1930 Herbert Hoover Letter to the Postmaster General on Post Office Employment Policies.
weeks immediately before Christmas , for instance, a tremendous … personnel in connection with Christmas mailings. To a limited extent … service during the forthcoming Christmas season. The extent to which …
Nov 26, 1930 Herbert Hoover Message to the National Tuberculosis Association on the Christmas Seal Campaign.
Tuberculosis Association on the Christmas Seal Campaign …
Dec 03, 1930 Herbert Hoover Message to a Dinner Honoring Emily P. Bissell.
originated the Red Cross Christmas seal …
Dec 15, 1930 Herbert Hoover Executive Order 5514—Christmas, 1930
Executive Order 5514—Christmas, 1930 …
Dec 20, 1930 Herbert Hoover Christmas Message to Disabled Veterans.
Veterans: Again I send you my Christmas Greeting and best wishes … Christmas Message to Disabled Veterans …
Dec 23, 1930 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
except to wish you all a merry Christmas
Dec 24, 1930 Herbert Hoover Message to a Yuletide Party for the Handicapped Children of New York City.
best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Yours … message was read at the annual Christmas party sponsored, since 1924 …
Dec 24, 1930 Herbert Hoover Christmas Greeting to the Nation
even to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year … Christmas Greeting to the Nation … spoke at 6 p.m. at the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony in …
Dec 25, 1930 Herbert Hoover Message to the Nation's Christmas Tree Association of California.
14, 1930] To the Nation's Christmas Tree Association of California: Christmas is the children's day and … LeSenay, Secretary, Nation's Christmas Tree Association, Fresno, Calif … Message to the Nation's Christmas Tree Association of California …
Feb 05, 1931 Herbert Hoover The President's News Conference
statement for you just before Christmas 3 giving out an itemized …
Nov 30, 1931 Herbert Hoover Message to the National Tuberculosis Association on the Christmas Seal Campaign.
people the annual sale of Christmas Seals conducted by the National … Tuberculosis Association on the Christmas Seal Campaign … launching of the 25th annual Christmas Seal campaign …
Dec 20, 1931 Herbert Hoover Christmas Message to Disabled Veterans.
greeting of good cheer at Christmas I express my earnest personal … Christmas Message to Disabled Veterans …
Dec 22, 1931 Herbert Hoover Statement on Holidays for Government Employees.
cover the Saturday following Christmas Day, and from New Year's … objection to the day following Christmas in order that Federal employees …